
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why blog?

Kind of funny, but I got to this older post about blogging by Marco Arment from another blogger I like, Kottke.
As more people start realizing that there are better reasons to write blogs beyond trying to squeeze pennies out of ads, I bet we’ll see a significant movement toward tearing down these barriers. We’ll see more complete people blogging their whole lives, not just trying to emulate magazine columns or news sites. Some of them will get large audiences, but most won’t — and it won’t matter.
Count this in the "most won't" category, but I'll continue to do it anyway, mostly so I don't bombard my friends (especially you, Chris) with these ramblings.

[UPDATE: Whoops -- I found Marco Arment's post via Marco himself. That's what happens when you check out everybody's RSS feeds in the space of a few minutes.]

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