
Saturday, December 17, 2011

"The Rise of the NBA Nerd", Wesley Morris

To me, the sports world is like the ocean: big, mysterious, and largely irrelevant to my daily life. (Also like the ocean, it occasionally spawns weather that does impinge on my life: a World Series victory here, a doping scandal there.) Every so often, though, something -- the equivalent of an especially noticeable wave -- pops up that gets my attention. Such is Wesley Morris' piece for Grantland, "The Rise of the NBA Nerd". It ties recent pop culture history to emergent NBA style statements and spins a story out of the melange. Is it a "true" story, i.e., do all the pieces fit together the way Morris says they do? I don't know. But it's an entertaining meditation, and worth spending a few minutes reading.

(Thanks to Kottke for the link.)

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