
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Same answer six times

I caught this one first on Countdown (yeah, I'm giving Olbermann another chance) last night: a British politician gave the same rote answer six times. The interviewer, Damon Green of ITV, wrote up his experience in a tweet (via Twitlong).
If news reporters and cameras are only there to be used by politicians as recording devices for their scripted soundbites, at best that is a professional discourtesy. At worst, if we are not allowed to explore and examine a politician’s views, then politicians cease to be accountable in the most obvious way.
The politician in question, Ed Miliband, could have saved everyone a lot of time if he had simply issued the statement as ... well, a statement. Once. On paper.

Instead, as you can hear for yourself, he sounds like a robot. Or a scratched record.

Is it live, or is it Memorex?...

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