
Friday, January 21, 2011

Limbaugh the bigot

Courtesy Agence France-Press, an article about the criticism of Rush Limbaugh for the most juvenile kind of anti-Asian bigotry. Speaking of the delay in translation that tripped up People's Republic of China President Hu Jintao's joint press conference with President Obama:
"He was speaking and they weren't translating. They normally translate every couple of words, but Hu Jintao was just going, 'ching chong, ching chong, chong,'" Limbaugh said, continuing his imitation at length.
The article quotes Reps. David Wu and Mike Honda smacking down Limbaugh in forceful but statesmanlike remarks. Thank you, gentlemen, but on behalf of us private citizens more evolved than Limbaugh I can afford to be a little more direct:

Rush, shouldn't you make it a little less transparent what an ugly racist pig you are?

Do your advertisers care that you're so singlemindedly intent on pandering to your fellow bigots, or is that exactly the demographic they want?

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