
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One last word about Terriers

Sorry, I know Terriers is dead and gone, but I had to mention its greatest virtue because none of my stumbling praise has touched on it. In no other series have the main characters so quickly and so completely earned my affection. Hank, Britt, Katie, Gretchen, Mark Gustafson, even Hank's unstable sister Stephanie -- they're all fully realized, none of them flawless, yet every one appealing in his or her way. Not one moment of the character development rang false. Do you know how rare that is? Other series resort to gimmicks, like utterly implausible tragedies, or soapy machinations to manipulate viewers into feeling sympathy for their characters. Not Terriers. It did the job by getting all the little moments, the small interactions between people, right.

Its demise will probably be seen as a verdict on low-key, witty dramas, meaning we won't see another for quite a while. It's a shame.

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