
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A little kindness

Sometimes you don't realize how dirty the air around you is until you can take a breath of clean air. You might know something's wrong but be unable to pin down what until that magic moment someone opens a window.

It took watching the inauguration and coverage of the new administration's first day to clarify what made Trump so uniquely appalling. If you watched Biden's remarks today — particularly his remarks to the thousand or so staffers he swore in virtually — what would strike you was his unfailing kindness. Yes, there was also dignity and clarity, two other qualities sorely lacking in Trump's public persona, but kindness above all.

Trump made everything toxic. You could not disagree with him solely on policy: if you disagreed with him, you became his personal enemy and he would stop at nothing to destroy you, not merely defeat you in the current debate. He is a mean man who inspires intense dislike.

Whatever you think of Biden's policies, you're probably as relieved as I am that we won't be subjected to the petty and nationally humiliating outbursts the deeply unkind Trump made a hallmark of his term.

I hope the political air gets cleaner quickly.

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